For the last four or five days, I've been refusing to look something up on the Internet. Sometime last week, we heard a cover of "I Melt With You", and I realized I couldn't remember the name of the band who originally performed that song.
Please understand that I loved this song when it
first came out   got "alternative" big, but before it was a popular song. At my parents' house, I have both albums on which this song was released. In summary, I used to be a fan.
As such, I was extremely pissed that I couldn't remember the band's name. I refused to look it up on the Internet or even try to find the CD. I've been using the Internet as a crutch for good memory for
way too long, and I think my long-term memory is suffering as a result. Not wasting brain cells on the syntax for a given command is one thing...not being able to remember the name of a favorite band from back-in-the-day is a completely different situation.
Tonight, I finally remembered their name.
(Modern English) I'm totally enthused about having remembered it without any crutches, and I think I'm going to try to avoid using the Internet as a memory-aid to try and avoid allowing my long-term memory to stagnate.