Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A New Post

Apparently, I haven't blogged much since my vacation. I blame my readers for your lack of dedication.

So, I totally missed the one year anniversary of the blog. (breathless flashback to my stunning first post) My bad. Bon Anniversaire a cette blog.

It's 3:00 am right now, and I can't sleep. I realized just now that, without having any way to be sure, it's probable that I haven't seen doctor since Ronald Reagan was president. (This statement applies only to regular checkups. The emergency room visits for my college drinking incident and my recent broken bone do not apply. Your mileage may vary.) I probably should arrange a visit soon, but I'm guessing that, like most everything else (except computers), post-Reagan healthcare has likely only taken a turn for the worse. (Prognostication: I should quit smoking, cut back on my drinking, eat better and exercise more. I probably have some specific health issue for which someone has concocted a drug whose side-effects are worse than the problems they address. Even pointing my browser to WebMD seems like a waste of time.)

More likely, I'll schedule my car to be inspected long before this happens.

Anyhow, I'm going to grab a drink and a smoke and try to get my ass asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Гораздо легче быть любовником чем мужем по той простой причине что гораздо труднее быть умным каждый день чем говорить что то остроумное время от времени