Saturday, December 22, 2007

WWI Vet Passes Away

J. Russel Coffee, one of three known living US WWI vets, has passed away at age 109. As the article and fark submitter noted, he drove a car until he was 104.

Since I've established a history of tracking the lives of the remaining WWI vets, I figured it was appropriate to note. I've always been interested in WWI, since it seems like WWII kind of pushed it out of the national attention.

As the article notes:
The other known surviving American soldiers are Frank Buckles, 106, of Charles Town, W.Va., and Harry Landis, of Sun City Center, Fla., according to the Veterans Affairs Department.
He was the last Ohio WWI veteran, and had never seen action since he enlisted a month before the world ended.

Peace, J. Russel.

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