Tuesday, August 26, 2008

FDIC seeks Treasury Funds

Hmm...surely this ain't good. FDIC seems to think it's gonna need more cash in the future. IndyMac started the hurt, now what's next? (From WSJ)

Probably good for a 200 point DOW pop tomorrow.
FDIC Weighs Tapping Treasury as Funds Run Low

WASHINGTON -- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair said Tuesday her agency might have to borrow money from the Treasury Department to see it through an expected wave of bank failures.

Ms. Bair said the borrowing could be needed to cover short-term cash-flow pressures caused by reimbursing depositors immediately after the failure of a bank. The borrowed money would be repaid once the assets of that failed bank are sold.
Note, this comes hot on the heels of the release of the release of the updated "Problem Banks" list from the FDIC earlier today. The list increased from 90 to 117.

Ugliness keeps on coming, but nothing seems to happen...

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