(Might take a minute to load fully. Wait for it.)
He's got a myspace link out there, too.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Shell Script - Appending a Timestamp to a Filename
This case is most useful for a somewhat simple script that will be invoked once at an arbitrary time and complete promptly. If the script will keep running (in the background, say) make sure the variable declaration is inside any loops.
Define the variable ${NOW}:
It will create a datestamp that looks like the following:
Define the variable ${NOW}:
NOW=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`If we invoke this as in this example:
netstat -an >> /logs/netstat.out.${NOW}
It will create a datestamp that looks like the following:
Monday, January 30, 2006
IBM Releases free version of DB2
Via slashdot, we learn that today IBM has released DB Express-C, a free version of it's enterprise DB2 DBMS. It will have limitations on the hardware on which it can run, but for the enterprising IT person, this allows us to see what the DBA's can do all from the comfort of our own home network.
Pretty sweet.
(As always, whenever IBM releases some new thing, it's impossible to find the information on their website. Here's the best I can come up with:)
DB2 Express-C for Win x86 32-bit download - Link
DB2 Express-C for linux x86 32-bit download - link
DB2 Express-C for Linux x86 32-bit, 2.6 kernel - link
***UPDATE (1/31, 16:53)*** Thanks to Sumit in the comments for providing the DB2 Express homepage!
Pretty sweet.
(As always, whenever IBM releases some new thing, it's impossible to find the information on their website. Here's the best I can come up with:)
DB2 Express-C for Win x86 32-bit download - Link
DB2 Express-C for linux x86 32-bit download - link
DB2 Express-C for Linux x86 32-bit, 2.6 kernel - link
***UPDATE (1/31, 16:53)*** Thanks to Sumit in the comments for providing the DB2 Express homepage!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Curiouser and Curiouser...
Um...I guess for the next week we'll be hearing about how you're either with us or you're for the hurricanes...?
The Bush administration, citing the confidentiality of executive branch communications, said Tuesday that it did not plan to turn over certain documents about Hurricane Katrina or make senior White House officials available for sworn testimony before two Congressional committees investigating the storm response.I think I really need to crawl into a whole for the next few months, 'cuz shit's about to get really weird.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
ING Direct "Winter Sale"
For all of you with ING Direct accounts, (or those who were considering opening one) note that ING will be paying 4.75% APY on new deposits between January 19 and April 15. Note that they've structured it in such a way that you can't game the system by withdrawing then re-depositing money, but still, it's a pretty sweet deal. Three months of FDIC-insured 4.75% APY interest ain't too shabby.
I love this freaking bank.

***Update*** Note, today they did decrease rates on CDs, which kind of sucks. On Dec 14, they were offering 4.85% on a 5-year, now they've lowered it to 4.70%. I guess demand made them think it was a bit too good of a deal.
I love this freaking bank.
***Update*** Note, today they did decrease rates on CDs, which kind of sucks. On Dec 14, they were offering 4.85% on a 5-year, now they've lowered it to 4.70%. I guess demand made them think it was a bit too good of a deal.
The Battle Rages On
Michael Moore responds to Chris Matthews' having compared him to Osama.

As a bonus, I do believe it's safe to say MM has unleashed the nuclear option and is calling Matthews gay. If one wages a schoolyard battle, one must expect a schoolyard response.
Some believe Osama and Chris Matthews tried to sabotage Lance Armstrong's win in France last year.
As a bonus, I do believe it's safe to say MM has unleashed the nuclear option and is calling Matthews gay. If one wages a schoolyard battle, one must expect a schoolyard response.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Livedoor - Bu log Post Doing
So, after the scandal surrounding Livedoor sent the Japanese stock market tumbling yesterday, I felt compelled to check out good old Livedoor. Might as well see what all the fuss was about.
Apparently, it's yet another web portal/search engine, a la Yahoo. The more interesting bit, here, is that Google apparently has quite of bit of work to do on their Japanese-to-English translation engine...

As on this side of the Pacific, it's clear that everybody has their own Bu log site.
According to googletrans, new items of interest include:
And of course, in their targeted ad spot, (that's a "Livedoor searching attention word" for you, google translation reader), we are tempted by an offer of:
Hot towel noodles Byakuya line Of Yoshikawa poults Circulation of rumor Amino collagen
Who could possibly turn that down? (More interestingly, after clicking on the link, I gather that "hot towel noodles" is actually a transliteration, because it returns a bunch of food sites. I found a site that includes a sort-of english recipie for them. "While on the present board, to do the dusting powder, you spread to the thickness about of 2 millimeters with the rolling pin.")
Apparently, it's yet another web portal/search engine, a la Yahoo. The more interesting bit, here, is that Google apparently has quite of bit of work to do on their Japanese-to-English translation engine...
As on this side of the Pacific, it's clear that everybody has their own Bu log site.
According to googletrans, new items of interest include:
Now in the midst of brain age check execution of attention!Slightly more comprehensively, under the heading of "The male be completed information", they offer what appears to be an auto price guide: "Your love car now how much? The free online assessment"
The change of occupation technique which the change of occupation success person has known?
And of course, in their targeted ad spot, (that's a "Livedoor searching attention word" for you, google translation reader), we are tempted by an offer of:
Hot towel noodles Byakuya line Of Yoshikawa poults Circulation of rumor Amino collagen
Who could possibly turn that down? (More interestingly, after clicking on the link, I gather that "hot towel noodles" is actually a transliteration, because it returns a bunch of food sites. I found a site that includes a sort-of english recipie for them. "While on the present board, to do the dusting powder, you spread to the thickness about of 2 millimeters with the rolling pin.")
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
They Call Me: Muse
Since my buddy bds1313 is feeling unmotivated today, and as a result felt uninspired to write his daily beer review, I figured I'd try and help inspire him. To wit, here is my first installment of Pete's Drink Review of the Day:
Drink of the Day - Scranton Municipal Tap Water -(Pennsylvania-American Water Company)
This morning, after last night's wicked bender, I woke up feeling like complete dog cr@p...or as I perfer to call it: normal. As such, after an especially urgent trip to the bathroom to relieve my aching bladder, (or as I prefer to call it: Willy) the first thing I did was run downstairs and imbibe two-and-a-half glasses of today's featured drink: Scranton Municipal Tap Water. This fine liquid is brought to you by the fine folks at Pennsylvania-American Water, who have been delivering refreshment and hangover relief since 1886.
The drink was served in a straight-sided pint glass. (and yes, it's an authentic pint.) It originally had a robust lattice and head, until I realized that there was still some dishwashing detergent in the glass when I pulled it out of the sink. One thorough rinsing later, it was entirely lattice- and head-free. The color was disappointingly light...almost transparent. I couldn't really get a good sense of the aroma, because I still needed to blow my nose. (Priorities, dontcha know?) Since this is a domestic, it was served as cold as a jilted ex-girlfriend responding to a late night drunk dial.
The first glass was intensely refreshing and was downed in a matter of seconds, in a desperate, gasping series of gulps. I decided a second glass was called for to truly deliver a meaningful review. The foretaste is subtle...I detected a tang of chlorine and could have sworn I caught a subtle hint of organic solids. The aftertaste was, unfortunately, much like morning breath with a hint of last night's Jameson's (but from my previous experience with this fine liquid, I don't think that's typical. Except, you know, during the first drink of the morning.)
Overall, the my experience with this fine drink was delicious! I think the lack of body and lattice are far outwieghed by the sheer refreshing, hydrating qualities this baby delivers. It gets a solid 9.5 out of 10 on Pete's Drink Scale.
Tune in tomorrow, when I'll be reviewing PAWC's specialty upmarket drink: Scranton Municipal Tap Water from a Brita Filter Pitcher!
Drink of the Day - Scranton Municipal Tap Water -(Pennsylvania-American Water Company)
This morning, after last night's wicked bender, I woke up feeling like complete dog cr@p...or as I perfer to call it: normal. As such, after an especially urgent trip to the bathroom to relieve my aching bladder, (or as I prefer to call it: Willy) the first thing I did was run downstairs and imbibe two-and-a-half glasses of today's featured drink: Scranton Municipal Tap Water. This fine liquid is brought to you by the fine folks at Pennsylvania-American Water, who have been delivering refreshment and hangover relief since 1886.
The drink was served in a straight-sided pint glass. (and yes, it's an authentic pint.) It originally had a robust lattice and head, until I realized that there was still some dishwashing detergent in the glass when I pulled it out of the sink. One thorough rinsing later, it was entirely lattice- and head-free. The color was disappointingly light...almost transparent. I couldn't really get a good sense of the aroma, because I still needed to blow my nose. (Priorities, dontcha know?) Since this is a domestic, it was served as cold as a jilted ex-girlfriend responding to a late night drunk dial.
The first glass was intensely refreshing and was downed in a matter of seconds, in a desperate, gasping series of gulps. I decided a second glass was called for to truly deliver a meaningful review. The foretaste is subtle...I detected a tang of chlorine and could have sworn I caught a subtle hint of organic solids. The aftertaste was, unfortunately, much like morning breath with a hint of last night's Jameson's (but from my previous experience with this fine liquid, I don't think that's typical. Except, you know, during the first drink of the morning.)
Overall, the my experience with this fine drink was delicious! I think the lack of body and lattice are far outwieghed by the sheer refreshing, hydrating qualities this baby delivers. It gets a solid 9.5 out of 10 on Pete's Drink Scale.
Tune in tomorrow, when I'll be reviewing PAWC's specialty upmarket drink: Scranton Municipal Tap Water from a Brita Filter Pitcher!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Body Armor for Troops in Iraq & Afghanistan
Political biases notwithstanding, can we please agree that if we are going to put Americans in harm's way in Afghanistan and Iraq, that we should at least insure that they have the best possible weapons and armor available while they are there?
Wesley Clark has an online petition demanding that the military requisition the body armor that has been known to save lives, but has been neglected, for almost three years now. Please sign it...(here)
Wesley Clark has an online petition demanding that the military requisition the body armor that has been known to save lives, but has been neglected, for almost three years now. Please sign it...(here)
Monday, January 09, 2006
Camaro and Challenger
In the last week, Dodge and Chevy have rolled out concepts for a new Camaro and Challenger. Let me just say that as an oldschool musclecar gearhead, I think both of these cars are severely drool-worthy.

Lord knows, I thought the new Mustang was sweet, and this retro musclecar wave is a smart idea to rekindle some passion, even if it reeks of desperation. Personally, I haven't considered buying a domestic car in years. The Chevy Cobalt appeals to my current taste in cars, even if it comes up rather mediocre compared to the competition. The domestic automakers need to focus on building some serious world class sedans and coupes.
And hell...why is Subaru still the only car company that considers All-Wheel-Drive something worth putting on every car? How many other carbuyers besides me don't want to drive a goddamned truck, but want a car with competent performance that can get around in the snow? Surely there must be a few...
Lord knows, I thought the new Mustang was sweet, and this retro musclecar wave is a smart idea to rekindle some passion, even if it reeks of desperation. Personally, I haven't considered buying a domestic car in years. The Chevy Cobalt appeals to my current taste in cars, even if it comes up rather mediocre compared to the competition. The domestic automakers need to focus on building some serious world class sedans and coupes.
And hell...why is Subaru still the only car company that considers All-Wheel-Drive something worth putting on every car? How many other carbuyers besides me don't want to drive a goddamned truck, but want a car with competent performance that can get around in the snow? Surely there must be a few...
B.B. King at the Kirby Center
B.B. King will be performing at the F.M. Kirby Center on his 80th Birthday Celebration Tour on Sunday, March 19th. I saw him at the Kirby two years ago and goddamn, but that dude can still jam (even if he did spend a lot of time sitting on a stool.) Tix on sale to the public Sat (Jan 14th).

Kirby Center site here (no direct link, click on schedule, go to March)
Ticketmaster page here
Kirby Center site here (no direct link, click on schedule, go to March)
Ticketmaster page here
Friday, January 06, 2006
Robertson's Greatest Hits
Returning to the timely topic of Ariel Sharon, we learn from the science-based medical community that he allegedly "suffered a massive brain hemorrhage."
Being that we here at exitramp are devout, god-fearing Christians, we can't help but be skeptical over this so-called "diagnosis."
Let's hear from our mouthpiece of God, Mr. Pat Robertson: God smote him.
Ah yes, the unsaved Mr. Sharon was attempting to divide God's land, and God doth lay the smacketh down on him, in the form of divine cranial swelling. I knew there had to be more to it than simple "cranial pressure" and "blood clots"...that story just doesn't wash. Thank you, Mr. Robertson for your unique theo-neurological insight.
Recalling that in the last year we've heard Pat call for the assasination of people he doesn't agree with and requests that God stack the Supreme Court with some appropriately right-leaning judges, I value his input and moral clarity in all issues of substance.
Being that we here at exitramp are devout, god-fearing Christians, we can't help but be skeptical over this so-called "diagnosis."
Let's hear from our mouthpiece of God, Mr. Pat Robertson: God smote him.
Ah yes, the unsaved Mr. Sharon was attempting to divide God's land, and God doth lay the smacketh down on him, in the form of divine cranial swelling. I knew there had to be more to it than simple "cranial pressure" and "blood clots"...that story just doesn't wash. Thank you, Mr. Robertson for your unique theo-neurological insight.
Recalling that in the last year we've heard Pat call for the assasination of people he doesn't agree with and requests that God stack the Supreme Court with some appropriately right-leaning judges, I value his input and moral clarity in all issues of substance.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Odd-Looking Headlines
CNN.com right now is brimming with headlines which look strange on the first reading.
Turkey says dead boy had bird flu - My word, why isn't that the top story? This unique fowl can not only speak but also appears to have some advanced medical knowledge. Thank goodness nobody ate this bird for Thanksgiving.
Sharon suffers 'significant' stroke - That's highly unfortunate, but I can't see why it's the top story. However, I wish her the best, and send my love to Ozzy, Jack and Kelly.
Transfer ordered of 'enemy combatant' to criminal court - What the hell kind of grammar are they teaching headline writers these days? I almost sprained my shoulder trying to parse the meaning of that sentence, so tortuous and convoluted is it being. At least they simplified it on the actual story page.
Turkey says dead boy had bird flu - My word, why isn't that the top story? This unique fowl can not only speak but also appears to have some advanced medical knowledge. Thank goodness nobody ate this bird for Thanksgiving.
Sharon suffers 'significant' stroke - That's highly unfortunate, but I can't see why it's the top story. However, I wish her the best, and send my love to Ozzy, Jack and Kelly.
Transfer ordered of 'enemy combatant' to criminal court - What the hell kind of grammar are they teaching headline writers these days? I almost sprained my shoulder trying to parse the meaning of that sentence, so tortuous and convoluted is it being. At least they simplified it on the actual story page.
Freaking Sweet! Portable Open Office
Holy Brilliant ideas, Batman!
Portableapps.com has released a portable version of Open Office that will fit on a USB drive (or most thumb drives), so that you can open up word docs and spreadsheets whereever you happen to be! (via slashdot)
They also have a bunch of other portable apps that would be nice to have. Might be time to start carrying around a utility drive.
Portableapps.com has released a portable version of Open Office that will fit on a USB drive (or most thumb drives), so that you can open up word docs and spreadsheets whereever you happen to be! (via slashdot)
They also have a bunch of other portable apps that would be nice to have. Might be time to start carrying around a utility drive.
Jack Abramoff
In honor of Mr. Abramoff's plea bargain yesterday, Gavin over at Sadly, No! has pointed out the missed humor opportunity given Jack's name.
Nobody, so far, has come up with a good one-liner that plays off the lobbyists name.
The obvious construction would be:
"You can ________, but you can't Jack Abramoff."
Nobody, so far, has come up with a good one-liner that plays off the lobbyists name.
The obvious construction would be:
"You can ________, but you can't Jack Abramoff."
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