Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson - Asshattery at it's Finest

I think it's safe to say that I'm not a person who gets his panties into a bunch over moronic things people say in public. Hell, I'm a staunch supporter of free speech to the point where I firmly respect the rights of an American to say whatever stupid-ass thing they want. It only gives me more stuff to talk about, really.

But, seriously now, WTF is up with Pat Robertson these days? Today we learned that he advocated assassinating Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, for reasons that amount to: "Because he's a pain in our butt, and it would be cheaper than Iraq War 2.0."

I think at this point, he's really managed to lower the bar for justifying assassination to a record-breaking level. And really, taken in and of itself, it's just another outrageous, tough-talking winger screeching point. Even the Administration stepped back and basically said: "Whoa, everybody...I never saw that dude before, he ain't with us!" This is the same dude, who one month ago was leading his viewers on The 700 Club in a prayer to "remove three justices from the Supreme Court so they could be replaced by conservatives." Now, of course, that prayer doesn't exactly require that three people die, or become seriously ill, but I'm going out on a limb and calling that the Cliff's Notes version of his prayer.

Has the Christian conservative movement gotten to the point where this kind of crap is acceptable? I mean, seriously! Modern American Christians: "Do what we want, or we'll call for your death, bitchez!"

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