Saturday, August 20, 2005

Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq

Yes, the ever-changing story on Iraq has sprouted a whole new limb...the Army is still planning on having "well over 100,000" troops in Iraq for at least 4 more years.

This is termed preparing for the "worst case" by General Schoomaker, subject to whatever conditions may arise. But it primarily shows that the hollow rhetoric of the Administration (major troop reduction starting next year) is completely out of touch with what the actual Army is calling for.

Or else it's proof that regardless of what BS the Administration spews, they do not now, nor have they ever had, any intention of getting out quickly or creating a truly sovereign Iraq. Who can tell, anymore? But hey, at least we've made serious strides towards fulfilling the neocon wet dream of establishing a permanent American military base in the heart of the Middle East. Yay for us!

1 comment:

disgutedem said...

And yet gas prices are headed over $2.60/gallon. Time to look for a part time bartending job.