Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rendezvous + realtime (almost) google maps

Okay, so I know I haven't posted much lately, and whenever I do, it's been some link to a youtube video...but bear with me, okay?

If you haven't seen Rendezvous yet, it's a short film made in 1978 by French filmmaker Claude Lelouch, in which he mounted a camera to the bumper of a Ferrari and had an (unspecified) Formula-1 driver friend drive balls-out through the early morning streets of Paris. It's a mind-blowingly stupid exhibition of some severely badass driving.

This guy
has made a googlemaps realtime (almost) mapping of the drive.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Onthaal aan mijn lezers van de Lage Landen

For some reason that I have yet to figure out, I seem to be getting a lot of traffic from the Netherlands. Specifically, a lot of my Dutch Homies seem to be searching on for the searchword "tank" and wind up coming here. This site doesn't seem to be a significant search result on that word, as near as I can tell, and the word seems to mean the same thing in Dutch as it does in English. The search result situation seems to be in response to my posting about the Tiananmen Square tank guy a while back.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
If there are any English-speaking Nederlanders out there who would care to clue me in on the significance of "tank" in the current Netherlands idiom, I'd appreciate it. The most likely result I can find seems to be a club in Australia.

roomba love

Okay, truly there has never been an invention more practical and geek-fun than the Roomba. I got mine last week, and the sumbitch is probably the most fun thing I've ever bought that actually does something useful. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Admittedly, the algorithm it uses is best utilized in a room which is open in the center and has a few small items of furniture at the periphery. And it's not the most efficient vacuum cleaner I can think tends to clean the same cross-room path and vestibules over and over. But tarnation, people...a robot vacuum cleaner with a remote much cooler can you get????