Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Simple Question

Listen up, My Pretties, because I have a simple question. Now that the poll numbers for the Iraqmire are in the tank and Cindy Sheehan is making Chimpy look bad, every wingnut is coming out of the woodwork, wailing about how the Anti-War kooks are threatening our security.

Let's, for right now, accept that there is value behind this argument. Given that, what I want to hear from someone who is of the Pro-War mindset is this; Explain to me in detail exactly how "staying the course" makes us safer and "bringing the troops home" makes us less safe. You can use diagrams, if necessary, and please cite any sources you reference. And none of this "we have to fight the terrorists abroad so we don't have to fight them at home" crap.

That's all I want to hear...a well-reasoned explanation of exactly why it is you feel we're better off having people over there killing and being killed, and how it benefits anyone at all.

Any takers?

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