Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Weirdness on the Propaganda Front

Apparently the General is being solicited to spread the word about the CENTCOM propaganda page. I urge you to click through and take a look at the actual site, because it really underscores how tough a job it must be to have to run PR for the military given the current Iraqmire.

Interesting tidbits from the site include the "What extremists are saying" segment, and the "Successes this week in Iraq" bulletin that's lumped into the same content box as "casualty reports". The headlines on the Latest Stories section talking about the military airlifting injured children to hospitals and new water projects in Najaf do indeed make me feel for the people who are tasked with covering the news for the military. I mean, hell...I'm pleased as pie to see that there are some happy stories going on over there, and that the military does have some achievements to be proud of. But that still doesn't change the fact that a whole lot of badness is going down for Chimpy's vanity war.

Bonus fun: Click on the "Learn More about the Largest Coalition Ever Built", and note how they lump the countries participating in the operations in Afghanistan together with the Iraqi operations to get one big, honkin' coalition!

It actually kind of pains me to see the sheer level of desperation being put into this site.

*** UPDATE:*** I think this whole thing dovetails nicely with MoDo's observation that, having exhausted all the previous rationales for war, the current administration line is that we have to keep fighting to honor the memory of those who have already died in the fight. To question the war is to undermine the troops. The propaganda machine has truly outdone itself.

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