Wednesday, August 17, 2005

moe. - Less than 48 Hours and Counting

I was pretty pissed last year, as moe. played no shows in the NEPA area. Two shows this year doesn't quite make up for it, but it's a start.

On Friday, 2005's show number two will be taking place on Montage Mountain, and I'm pretty psyched. By quick count, it now looks like moe. has overtaken Radiohead and tied the coveted Phish spot in my "live shows" list. (I mention this as a personal challenge to Thom and company to get some East Coast U.S. dates in sometime in the near future to address this situation.)

Anyhoo...I'm all psyched and stuff.

Oh yeah! Also, it turns out there's a new bunch of FOIA documents that corroborate the Downing Street Memos and pretty much prove that BushAdmin was planning to attack Iraq and pull a regime change way back in 2002.

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