Thursday, August 11, 2005

Kansas Builds Tunnel Back to Twelfth Century, Forsooth!

Building on the big ol' smirks that are creeping across the educated Chinese and Indian middle classes, we find that Kansas is doing everything it can to...stupidate the average US citizen. We are now rendering the US worker irrelevant to the Jobs of Tomorrow.

Headline: "Kansas moves to stem role of evolution in teaching." Yes, people, it still has to pass the vote of a "Denver-based education consultant before final vote", but the Kansas Board of "Edumacation" has decided that the theory of Intelligent Design carries the same weight as the theory of evolution. On the positive side, we can now rule out the future population of Kansas as potential rivals for the Jobs of Tomorrow.

Assuming the vote is backed up, we can now look forward to a solid 1% of the US population that dismisses science for the whims of their Invisible Magical Fairy Friend.

Another plus, this opens up the possibility that we can introduce the equally plausible theory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster into serious scholastic ciriculum, where it belongs.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster Creating Us All

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