Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rumsfeld calling for "fast" Iraq pullout

I guess in the weeks since the "no timetable" talking point was all the rage, some Congressional Republicans must have reminded the Administration that there's a midterm election coming up next year, because....

Surprise! Now the Iraqi PM and Rumsfeld are announcing a desire for a fast pullout of Iraq, which could begin early next year!

In the article, it is stressed that even though they have some sort of vague, plan-like thing, there is still no timetable, because as we established a few weeks ago, timetables for Iraqi pullouts are bad. Because, you know, that would just let the insurgents wait us out. And of course, announcing a big pullout early next year is totally different than a timetable, you silly liberals. Take some notes, you might learn something.

All of this is predicated on training Iraqi troops, and expectations of "curbing the insurgency", which is not at all a pie-in-the-sky expectation given the success we've had so far in those areas.

And the best part is, now we'll have freed up a bunch of soldiers who can be deployed into the 2007 War on Iran! w00t!

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