Monday, July 11, 2005

Calling the BS

If you open your web browser and turn up your PC speakers, you can almost hear the collective sigh of:"FINALLY" coming from the Left Blogosphere today. As has been commented on pretty much everywhere, the Press Corps finally confronted the White House on the B.S. they have been feeding the public regarding the allegations that Karl Rove was the leak in the Plame case.

Press: "Dude...seriously, your pants are not just on fire, they are a complete smoldering inferno."

Scott McClellan, Press Secretary: "As I've said before, the White House does not comment on the pants I am currently wearing."

As such, anything I have to add to the subject will probably be redundant. However, in the spirit of the Press calling out the White House when they talk complete B.S., I'd like to I'd like to suggest that the next press target should be that classic White House gem-polished turd: "The War on Terror(ism)."

Now, I admit that this one has become so familiar through relentless repetition that I no longer look up and yell:"What the hell does that mean?" when I hear it said.

As has been asked before, what would we think if Chimpy had decided to wage a war on "Guerilla Warfare" or "Flanking by the Light Cavalry"? I think with the exception of the rabidly loyal koolaid-drinkers, it would be obvious what a completely ludicrous term it is. "War on a tactic?", we'd all say,"What does it mean to wage war on a tactic?" But somehow, Chimpy's "War on Terra" gets a pass.

How, exactly do we measure success in this massively ambiguous venture, this War on Terrorism? Has the government secretly been working on some sort of mind-reading device which would screen people for "mental patterns consistent with terrorists or those predisposed to commit terrorist acts"? Could we consider this war won when all of those people have been killed or detained? What if new ones are born after we declare victory?

Perhaps they might therefore move to launch a domestic "War on Teenage Vandalism". Think about it; teenagers are easy to identify, relative to us adult folk, and we know they're all up to no good. And most of your active radicals are teenagers, right? We must destroy them, now! If we hesitate, the smoking gun may well be your smashed mailbox.

1 comment:

disgutedem said...

It's a shame we gave up the War on Drugs so easily. I miss those days of isolated detonations of 10 kilos of crack and the beauiful "pomp and circumstance" - esque display when a truck load of Angel Dust gets bombed.