Thursday, December 08, 2005

Weekly Rumsfeld "Iraq Withdrawal Update"

In what is becoming an increasingly difficult story to keep straight, we learn today that Rumsfeld is now back on the "Draw Troops Down from Iraq in 2006" wagon. Admittedly, it has been slightly more than a week since the last time Rumsfeld said that withdrawal would be a mistake, so flipping on that position really is overdue. (link)

And prior to that, it was a full 10 days since Murtha was being called a traitor for suggesting such an idea, even though it was simultaneously being reported that Gen. Casey had submitted drawdown plans to Rumsfeld. (link)

Were we to go back to the summer, we'll find that there was some confusion about whether Rumsfeld was at that time calling for a quick pullout, (here) followed a month later by the story that the Army was planning on having "well over 100,000 troops" in Iraq for at least 4 more years. (here)

In all fairness, we must point out that it was Mr. Rumsfeld himself who suggested before the war began: "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months." (link) So, clearly he's got some issues when it comes to making plans and sticking with them.

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Rumsfeld illustrating his progress
on mastering that Vulcan hand gesture thingy.

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