Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush Defends Miers Pick

Bush hosted a press conference today to defend picking Harriet Miers to the SCOTUS. To me, the key quote was:
Dismissing suggestions of cronyism, Bush said: “I picked the best person I could find.
A woman with absolutely no judicial experience was the best person he could find? That guy sure seems to have trouble finding things...WMD in Iraq, that Osama dude, Anthrax mailers.

I'm honestly not sure why he even pretends anymore. He might as well get up there and say: "I'm nominating this chick because I goddamn want to, bitches, and I'm the President so there ain't nuthin' you can do about it!" At this point, it would hardly even prompt me to raise an eyebrow.

I am, however, eagerly looking forward to seeing which well-connected, incompetent campaign contributor, or frat buddy he nominates to replace Greenspan next year. By design, they will have to be someone who's filed for personal bankruptcy protection at least twice, and who's key policy idea would be the Federal Ponzi Scheme Committee. (motto: "Everybody gets rich, except the last one in! Buy in NOW!")

*** Update(13:30) *** Okay, reading msnbc, I am informed that picking political friends for the Supreme Court has a long and storied past. Lincoln and LBJ did it, and my boy FDR did it twice. They also schooled me to the fact that Rehnquist, himself, also had no judicial experience prior to ascending to the SCOTUS. d00dz! I hereby throw in my hat for the next available supreme court slot! I would consider it a personal honor to be the first completely unqualified justice!

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