Sunday, October 16, 2005

Political Action Alert - H-1B Visas

Regular readers know I've been rather lazy about posting lately, and this one will continue my laziness by basically pointing right to a Kos diary, but it's important.

Apparently, the Senate Judiciary Committee is considering increasing the H-1B visa cap by 60,000 in order to generate more revenue as an attempt to cut the budget deficit.

Since approximately all of exitramp's readers are located near ExitRamp World Headquarters, in Lovely NorthEast Pennsylvania, I'll point out that Sen. Specter is the brainchild of this one. I urge everyone to contact Senator Specter and express your opposition to this measure. (Specter contact form here) The IEEE has proposed an alternative of raising the fees for existing H-1B visas to generate the additional revenue, which strikes me as the optimal solution. The last thing we need in this time of decreasing consumer confidence, stagnant wages, and skyrocketing energy costs is to have a larger pool of immigrant labor to put a downward pressure on wages for skilled workers.

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