Monday, December 17, 2007

Dodd is the D00d!!!

Holy freaking crap! Senator Dodd's filibuster has prompted Harry Reid to shelve the FISA update bill until next year! Telco immunity for domestic spying is not the done deal I thought it was this morning.

I was busy all day today, and what updates I saw were not terribly promising. I'd basically accepted that the filibuster would happen, and eventually fizzle, and we'd have to figure out how to fix it '09.

Dodd has re-invigorated my worn-out activist self, y'all! I had started to assume that we were going to have to hope for a Dem landslide in '08, and fix the mess from there. I now believe that something can be accomplished in the next year. Serious props to Senator Dodd, and Sens. Feingold and Kennedy for explicitly supporting this effort beforehand.

Sidenote: For those who missed it, The Russinator has a post on TPMCafe today explaining his take on the situation.

So, in closing, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone. Santa Dodd has come to town.

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