Saturday, September 17, 2005

Musicblogging - Spookie Daly Pride

Since we didn't have anything planned last night, my girlfriend mentioned that she had seen in the local weekly entertainment paper that Spookie Daly Pride was playing at a nearby club. I had not heard of them, but a google search returned a page from, and that fact piqued my interest sufficiently. "What the hell?" I figured,"I'm always up for seeing a good jammy band. Even if they suck, it should still be worth checking out."

Yeah, so they blew me away. They had a pretty ecclectic sound that mostly centers on a 70s-groove/funk kind of aesthetic. On their website, they mentioned that they're frequently compared to the Muppet Show Band, and I'll agree that there's some merit to that. They're a foursome with standard guitar, bass, drums, and Mr. Spooky Daly, himself, on piano, vocals, and general frontman zaniness.

The key thing about their show, which is going to sound totally cliche, was that they performed with serious infectious energy. I was dancing like a fool on my barstool for most of the show. And they played with a healthy dose of "wacky" which rounded the experience out nicely.

I'm not sure if the alcohol kicked in as the night went on, but they definitely sounded sloppy for the first half of the show, but then tightened up proper! I'm listening to their "Marshmallow Pie" CD right now, and as with any recording, it doesn't begin to capture the spirit of the live show, but it does give a good overview of the music and songwriting.

Mergenow's overall rating: These guys kick ass, check them out if you get a chance.

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