Tuesday, September 13, 2005

NEPAblogging - Local Politics Goes all Springer

Just when I thought local politics was getting completely boring, today we discover that there's some serious "You ain't gonna get my man, girl!" action happening in Scranton City government.

Two city agencies Monday delivered nine boxes of documents copied for over $3,000 to City Council in response to a subpoena sought by Councilwoman Janet Evans for information on the foreclosed Hilton Scranton and Conference Center.

In a letter to Mrs. Evans, first assistant city solicitor Eugene Hickey maintained the subpoena was issued illegally, but he said the city’s economic development office agreed to comply “to appease you and to avoid further conflict.”

He said the office sent eight boxes of documents because the subpoena request was so broad. The Scranton Parking Authority sent one box.

“Quite simply, the subpoena issuance was a waste of time and apparently done solely for political purposes rather than legitimate city business,” Mr. Hickey said.
D00dz!! When did reading the Times-Tribune get as interesting as watching Elimidate?

City Solicitor Hickey:"Take that, bee-yotch!! You think you all that, but you ain't shit, girl!"
Councilwoman Evans:"Nuh-uh, girl...you ain't nuthin' but a dirty Ho, y'all!"

If only this wasn't all being played out at the expense of my tax dollars, I'd be completely stoked!! I can hardly wait for the "Winner Takes Her Man" no-holds-barred Mud Wrestling cage match that is sure to follow!!

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