Wednesday, November 30, 2005

CIA v. al-Qaeda

Catching up on today's events, we hear today from CIA director Porter Goss that:
Al Qaeda leaders bin Laden and al-Zarqawi haven't been found "primarily because they don't want us to find them and they're going to great lengths to make sure we don't find them," Goss said in the interview
It's so sad to see the mighty CIA laid low by those evil al-Qaeda masterminds using their devious hiding tactics. If only I'd known it was that easy sooner, I would have been trading state secrets for profit years ago. This sure takes the wind out of the sails of all those Tom Clancy novels, doesn't it? As has been said elsewhere, one has to wonder if the current government is so tied up in their own "it's hard work" incompetence that they honestly think this is somehow a profound explanation, rather than a sad, depressing sidestep.

Further, when Goss states that: the CIA knows "a good deal more" about the men "than we're able to say publicly." I'm actually less inclined to say "bullshit" than I am to just speculate on exactly what kind of dirty scheme is keeping the administration in thrall to the Pakistanis and/or Saudis. When the British transit bombers and Madrid train bomber masterminds are identified and surrounded within weeks, it really just seems sad that the freaking CIA can't or wont execute an operation to capture or kill Bin Laden.

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