Thursday, February 14, 2008

Catch-up Diary

1. Over on Kos, diarist Grand Moff Texan makes some points that aren't automatically clear to a lot of the Dem party establishment:
I learned that lesson. Obama learned that lesson. Have you? You can't get "wonk" through Jabba the Crowley any more than you can play a Bach chorale on the kazoo. So, excuse the f--k out of me while I go play "Tequila" on my kazoo. You can stand over there and make snarky comments about how it should be polyphonic, octotonic, and polyrhythmic.

But no one's going to shake their ass to your jejune sniping, Fauntleroy.

2. Besides the progressing Obama landslide yesterday, the other big news was how Donna Edwards kicked incumbent DINO Al Wynn to the curb in the MD Primary. Yeah, that's right Washington establishment, we're coming after you! More democrats and better democrats, as they say on the internets.

3. In other Liberal Conspiracy news, the Writers' Guild has voted to lift the strike, with +92% in favor. They vote on the contract ratification in 10 days, and it sounds like the odds are that it will be a go. It ain't a perfect contract, but they got some decent concessions for having gone on strike. Rock on, Writers/Actors/All associated individuals.

That's it for the moment. Enjoy.

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