Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Quotations, Citations, and Dave Barry

Us damned librul elites strike again....

Long story short: I was searching for some quote attributions, and google let me down.

Meanwhile, from, while searching on "Dave Barry"...

(Just click the frakkin' link, okay? You'll be quizzed on it later.)

...Why 3 results? If there were none, I could easily see writing it off on the Liberal Elite Media. If I had to choose only 3, these are certainly amusing, but I wouldn't call them "Dave's 3 best quotes, EVA!!!1!!11!"

More interesting, is the attribution for citation 5664.
ATTRIBUTION: Dave Barry (b. 1940s), U.S. humorist. Dave Barry Turns 40, ch. 2, Crown (1990).

The Columbia World of Quotations. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University Press.
"Born 1940s"? They quoted him, but couldn't be bothered to verify his birthdate to within the decade? I can even understand that they were hedging their bet on the fact that the book was titled "Dave Barry Turns 40" and the publishing date was 1990. I'm sure a lot of famous people celebrate their "big four-oh" on their 45th birthday, so it was probably a safe bet. And there's always the publishing cycle, of course. But if you were cash- and employee-stapped, and just did the math, you might come up wiht a different "circa" number.

But, surely, even cash-strapped, small-town Columbia University had enough staff to competently verify the birthday of Dave-freaking-Barry.

At least if they're going to bother to quote him, no?


mergenow (b. 20th c.-ish)

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