Friday, January 06, 2006

Robertson's Greatest Hits

Returning to the timely topic of Ariel Sharon, we learn from the science-based medical community that he allegedly "suffered a massive brain hemorrhage."

Being that we here at exitramp are devout, god-fearing Christians, we can't help but be skeptical over this so-called "diagnosis."

Let's hear from our mouthpiece of God, Mr. Pat Robertson: God smote him.

Ah yes, the unsaved Mr. Sharon was attempting to divide God's land, and God doth lay the smacketh down on him, in the form of divine cranial swelling. I knew there had to be more to it than simple "cranial pressure" and "blood clots"...that story just doesn't wash. Thank you, Mr. Robertson for your unique theo-neurological insight.

Recalling that in the last year we've heard Pat call for the assasination of people he doesn't agree with and requests that God stack the Supreme Court with some appropriately right-leaning judges, I value his input and moral clarity in all issues of substance.

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