Thursday, June 16, 2005

Department of Duh!

A new AP/AOL poll report informs us:

Poll: Most Say Stars Make Poor Role Models

However obvious this fact may be, the interesting bit is that the author of the article seemed unable to come up with many fresh examples of Movie Star Poor Model-hood. They cite the obvious Russell Crowe concierge phone beatdown, and Christian Slater's ass-grab, then dredge up Winona Ryder's 2002 shoplifting conviction and Hugh Grant's prostitute thing from "the mid-1990s"

Is that really the best they can do? Couldn't they do a simple browse of the Smoking Gun archives for some slightly more recent examples? Will Hugh Grant ever live that one down?

Whatever. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go emulate my role models and do some illegal steroids and then afterwards cheat on my wife with my teenaged mistress.

Movie stars as role models, indeed! What sort of an image is that to emulate?

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