Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Silver Age Rumsfeld v. Modern Rumsfeld

This one bears posting as many places as possible.

Via thinkprogress, we are told of some choice Rumsfeld quotes from the 60s, when he was a fresh-faced Representative from Illinois, criticizing the Johnson administration on their handling of Vietnam. Choice selections are reprinted below, but it's worth following the link:

"Government has an obligation to present information to the public promptly and accurately so that the public’s evaluation of Government activities is not distorted."

"...the people of the United States must know not only how their country became involved but where we are heading"

"“The administration should clarify its intent in Viet Nam,’ he said. ‘People lack confidence in the credibility of our government.’ Even our allies are beginning to suspect what we say, he charged. ‘It’s a difficult thing today to be informed about our government even without all the secrecy,’"

Funny how honest, open government seems to sound so much better when it's someone else's administration that's being criticized, n'est-ce pas?

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