Friday, June 24, 2005

Update#4 - Public Broadcasting Funding

Thanks to disgustedem for the heads-up on this one.

The House finalized the PBS funding situation today. From what this article says, it sounds like, for the most part, the story has a happy ending. Not a total happy ending, mind you, but the crisis appears to have been averted. They say the final bill should go before the full House sometime later today, then it's on to the Senate. Here are the details.

1. The House voted to restore the $100 million funding cut. (Yay!)
2. The Ready to Learn program remains unfunded.
3. $80 million dollars for digital broadcast upgrades was left out.

I'm not sure if the $80 million was the entire originally-expected amount, or a cut of the total, so it's hard to be sure how much of a big deal item #3 is. However, the urgent item, the $100 million funding cut, was addressed. PBS has funding for next year. People speaking out made a difference. WOOT!

Now, we just need to address these "Liberal Bias" allegations and the new partisan leadership for the CPB.

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