Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Update#3 - Public Broadcasting Funding

From Murshed Z's diary on dailykos, we are alerted to the following update on the CPB Funding issue:

"Tomorrow, [Thursday, June 23rd] Representatives David Obey (D-WI), James Leach (R-IA) and Nita Lowey (D-NY) will be putting forward an amendment to restore that $100 million to public broadcasting's budget for next year. The amendment will be offered as part of the Labor-Health and Human Services -Education Appropriations bill."

On the Common Cause blog, Murshed also points out that the House Appropriations has decided not to cut off all funds by 2008, apparently as a result of the groundswell opposition to the move, but the $100 million budget gap is still in the works. This is what the above Leach-Lowey amendment is intended to address.

Once again, please call your Legislators and express your support for the Leach-Lowey amendment.

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